What’s new
Here you can find the latest news and information about USWDS. Read our latest release notes, learn about our impact in the government, and learn how we conduct user research to continuously improve our product and process.
Release notes
Find summaries of each USWDS update on our GitHub releases page. Release notes explain bug fixes, new features, and other changes.
Want to learn about new USWDS releases as they are published? You can sign up to be notified of new USWDS releases by setting up watch notifications in the USWDS repository in GitHub.
Latest blog posts
You can read more about USWDS in our News and updates, where we cover the latest development releases as well as interviews with the teams from across government who have successfully implemented USWDS at their agencies. You can read some older posts on the 18F Blog.
Design System in the wild
Interested in seeing who else is using USWDS? We maintain a list of USWDS-based sites on our showcase page. Feel free to open an issue using GitHub or email us if you’d like to add your project to our list.
Latest updates
Meaningful code and guidance updates are listed in the following table:
Date | Description |
2024-02-26 |
Added release notes section. More information: uswds-site#2318 |