

Cards contain content and actions about a single subject.

Passed WCAG 2.1 AA

About the card component

A card is often a subset or summary of a larger idea. It acts as an entry point to more detailed information. This summary can contain a variety of content types, such as text, images and multimedia, or buttons and links.

An individual card is typically a member of a collection of similar cards, not a single card in isolation. A card is distinguished from others in its collection by its content, and cards are distinguished from the broader page context in form — usually with a border or a shadow.

Finally, a card is modular, which means you can vary the order of cards in a collection without destroying any individual card’s meaning.

Default card

  • Card

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis earum tenetur quo cupiditate, eaque qui officia recusandae.

  • Card with Media

    A placeholder image

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis earum tenetur quo cupiditate, eaque qui officia recusandae.

  • Media with header first

    A placeholder image

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore possimus similique nemo odit doloremque laudantium?

  • Inset media

    A placeholder image

    Etiam vitae sodales metus. Fusce id orci dignissim, efficitur risus eget, tempus odio. Donec lectus ante, auctor eget cursus sed, convallis quis magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris mattis tellus bibendum aliquet malesuada.

  • Exdent media

    A placeholder image

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore possimus similique nemo odit doloremque laudantium?

Flag layout card

  • Default flag

    A placeholder image

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

  • Flag media right inset

    A placeholder image

    Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Default card</h3>
<ul class="usa-card-group">
  <li class="usa-card tablet-lg:grid-col-6 widescreen:grid-col-4">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Card</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__body">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis earum
          tenetur quo cupiditate, eaque qui officia recusandae.
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>
  <li class="usa-card tablet-lg:grid-col-6 widescreen:grid-col-4">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Card with Media</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Facilis earum
          tenetur quo cupiditate, eaque qui officia recusandae.
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>
  <li class="usa-card tablet-lg:grid-col-6 widescreen:grid-col-4 usa-card--header-first">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Media with header first</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media usa-card__media--exdent">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore
          possimus similique nemo odit doloremque laudantium?
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>
  <li class="usa-card tablet-lg:grid-col-6 widescreen:grid-col-4">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Inset media</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media usa-card__media--inset">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
          Etiam vitae sodales metus. Fusce id orci dignissim, efficitur risus
          eget, tempus odio. Donec lectus ante, auctor eget cursus sed,
          convallis quis magna. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis
          parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Mauris mattis tellus
          bibendum aliquet malesuada.
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>
  <li class="usa-card tablet-lg:grid-col-6 widescreen:grid-col-4">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Exdent media</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media usa-card__media--exdent">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
          Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Tempore
          possimus similique nemo odit doloremque laudantium?
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>

<h3 class="site-preview-heading">Flag layout card</h3>
<ul class="usa-card-group">
  <li class="usa-card usa-card--flag flex-1">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Default flag</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>
  <li class="usa-card usa-card--flag flex-1 usa-card--media-right">
    <div class="usa-card__container">
      <div class="usa-card__header">
        <h4 class="usa-card__heading">Flag media right inset</h4>
      <div class="usa-card__media usa-card__media--inset">
        <div class="usa-card__img">
            alt="A placeholder image"
      <div class="usa-card__body">
        <p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit.</p>
      <div class="usa-card__footer">
        <a href="#" class="usa-button">Visit Florida Keys</a>


When to use the card component

  • Collections of related content. Cards help present a collection of related groups of content, like articles or sections of a website.

When to consider something else

  • Tabular data. Don’t use a card as a substitute for a table row.
  • Simple calls to action. Use a button instead.
  • Standalone content. Consider an aside or another standalone element.
  • Sequential, continuous text. Cards should be self-contained and modular. If the reader is meant to read from card to card, consider a list or simple body text and headings.

Usability guidance

  • Make cards actionable. Since cards are used as a summary of more detailed information, any individual card should link out to that information.
  • Don’t use the card component only for decoration. Use the card component for cards, not for any type of content that’s designed to have a border around it.
  • Include non-redundant content. Don’t repeat images or content common to all or most cards in a collection. Repeated information (like using the same image for each card in a collection) makes it more difficult to distinguish cards from one another.
  • Make sure images are properly sized. Cards often change size depending on the device. Make sure you use an image that works well on any device at any size.
  • Use simple styling. Avoid distracting skeumorphism. Don’t include any card styling that calls too much attention to the metaphor of a paper card, like folds, bent edges, or paper texture.

Accessibility guidance

Test the card component in your own project.

USWDS tested the card component for accessibility. You should test your implementation, too.

Use card accessibility tests
  • Use unordered lists and list items. Use a ul for a card group and an li for each card. This formatting allows screen readers to enumerate the items in the card group and allows shortcuts between list items.
  • Use the appropriate heading level for your page. Update heading level based on the content of your page to make sure card headings are in the correct, logical outline order.
  • Use CSS to order the media element. Logically, the media element should follow the header element. Don’t re-organize the markup to reverse their order.

Using the card component

  • Control card size and layout with USWDS utilities. The card component works well with layout grid utilities. The usa-card-group block is functionally a wrap-able grid-row, and each individual usa-card is a grid-col. This means you can use a grid utility like tablet:grid-col-4 to set a four-column size on a card at tablet width. You can also set custom grid gaps on a usa-card-group using grid-gap utilities.

    Since the Design System grid is based on flexbox, you can use flex positioning utilities on the card group. The default alignment is stretch (stretch aligns the top and bottom of each card in a row), but the flex-align-start utility can set the alignment to the top of the row.

  • Control image aspect ratio with the add-aspect utility. Add aspect ratio utility classes to usa-card__img or usa-card__media elements to control the aspect ratio on card images. Alternatively, control aspect ratio in your Sass files via the add-aspect mixin.
  • Style cards with utilities. Style the usa-card__container element with utilities to achieve custom effects, such as changing the border or background color or adding a drop shadow.

Card settings

Variable Description

Stroke color of card.


Border radius of card.


Stroke thickness of card.


Gap between cards in a card group.


Width at which flag cards change to horizontal layout.


Fixed image width in the card flag variant.


Font family for card body.


Family, size, and line height of the heading.


Bottom margin for card.


Padding between card elements and card border.


Vertical padding between card elements.

Card variants

Variant Description


Display in a horizontal (“flag”) orientation at a specified width ($theme-card-flag-min-width).


Displays the header element before the media element.


In combination with usa-card--flag, sets the media element on the right. (Flag cards display media on the left by default.)


Indents the media element so it doesn’t extend to the edge of the card.


Extends the body element out over the card border. Useful for light-bordered cards.


Extends the footer element out over the card border. Useful for light-bordered cards.


Extends the header element out over the card border. Useful for light-bordered cards.


Extends the media element out over the card border. Useful for light-bordered cards.

Accessibility test status

The USWDS team did 14 tests based on WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.

Overview of recent accessibility test results:
Total tests
Passed with exceptions
14 9 0 5 0

Overview of recent accessibility test results:

  • Passed: 9
  • Passed with exceptions: 0
  • Conditional: 5
  • Failed: 0

Learn more on the card accessibility tests page.


  • Package usage: @forward "usa-card";
  • Dependencies: uswds-fonts

Latest updates

Meaningful code and guidance updates are listed in the following table:

Date USWDS version Affects Breaking Description
2025-02-14 N/A
  • Guidance

Added WCAG compliance tag and accessibility test status section. More information: uswds-site#3101

2024-10-04 3.9.0
  • Styles
  • Settings

Breaking Fixed a bug that caused the component to ignore the $theme-card-font-family setting. Confirm that your implementation of the card component displays with the expected font family. More information: uswds#5974

2023-11-30 N/A
  • Markup

Updated the grid breakpoints in the card template. This change affects only the template grid, not the component itself. More information: uswds-site#2299

2023-11-20 N/A
  • Guidance

Clarified guidance for using layout grid utilities. More information: uswds-site#2149

2023-11-09 3.7.0
  • Styles
  • Settings

Fixed a bug that prevented $theme-card-padding-y from accepting expected token values. More information: uswds#5571

2023-09-29 3.6.1
  • Styles

Fixed a margin bug on header-first variants that caused exdent card media to overlap headers. More information: uswds#5423

2023-09-20 N/A
  • Guidance

Added usa-card__header--exdent variant to variants table. More information: uswds-site#2228

2023-08-23 3.6.0
  • Styles

Fixed a bug that prevented $theme-card-border-width from accepting 0 or string tokens. More information: uswds#5325

2023-06-09 3.5.0
  • Accessibility
  • Markup

Replaced button elements with links styled as buttons. More information: uswds#4385

2022-08-29 N/A
  • Guidance

Added guidance for using aspect ratio utility classes. More information: uswds-site#1729

2022-08-05 3.1.0
  • JavaScript
  • Markup

Added type="button" to all non-form buttons to prevent default submit behaviors. This allowed us to remove preventDefault() from the relevant component JavaScript. More information: uswds#4695

2022-04-28 3.0.0
  • Assets
  • JavaScript
  • Styles

Breaking Updated to Sass module syntax and new package structure. More information: uswds#4656

2021-06-16 2.12.0
  • Styles

Updated the exdent modifier to work as documented. Now adding the .usa-card__body--exdent modifier will work as expected. More information: uswds#4165

2021-03-17 N/A
  • Guidance

Updated and improved guidance around cards. More information: uswds-site#1180