
In-page navigation

The in-page navigation allows navigation to specific sections on a lengthy content page

Passed WCAG 2.1 AA

About the in-page navigation component

In-page navigation helps users understand the contents of a page and navigate to the section they need to read. This component is most suited for lengthy pages. The component is displayed alongside the main content in a sticky container that remains fixed when the user scrolls. When a user clicks an item on the in-page navigation, the page smoothly scrolls to the target section.

The USWDS in-page navigation component generates its content automatically, based on the content of the main element of the page. It utilizes the Intersection Observer API which provides a performant, future-proof way of assuring that the navigation highlights the current section visible in the viewport.


When to use the in-page navigation component

  • Long pages. In-page navigation can offer a substantial improvement to user experience for pages that include three or more distinct content sections or content that exceeds three or more viewport heights.

When to consider something else

  • Short pages. For pages that require little or no scrolling, in-page navigation is not necessary.
  • Unstructured content. Pages that lack heading-based hierarchical structures cannot use the in-page navigation component.
  • Infinite scrolling. For pages that feature infinite scrolling, in-page navigation is neither a practical nor feasible feature.

Usability guidance

  • Display the in-page navigation to the side of the main content. Visually, place the in-page navigation component after the main content in the language’s natural reading order. For example, for a left-to-right language like English, this component goes to the right of the main content.

  • Make it stand out. Site visitors should be able to quickly and easily distinguish in-page navigation from other landmarks on the page. Include borders and well-defined link active states to clearly convey the utility and purpose of the section. Define a consistent width for the in-page navigation component that is sufficiently wide and does not change based on text length.

  • Use language that matches section headings. The text of the links displayed within the in-page navigation aside should match the heading text of the target sections. By default, the component scans the page for h2 and h3 elements within the main element, automatically creates the in-page navigation block, and dynamically inserts the text to match the section headings.

  • Don’t include the page h1 in the navigation. Each page should have a single h1 to describe its contents. It would be redundant to include this heading level in the in-page navigation.

  • In-page navigation heading. Inform users that they will scroll down on the same page by including in-page navigation under a descriptive title such as “On this page,” “In this article,” or “Table of contents.”

Accessibility guidance

Test the in-page navigation component in your own project.

USWDS tested the in-page navigation component for accessibility. You should test your implementation, too.

Use in-page navigation accessibility tests
  • Allow keyboard navigation. Users should be able to navigate between items by using the Tab key. They should also be able to activate a link when pressing Enter on their keyboard. Users should be able to activate hover and focus states with both a mouse and a keyboard.

  • Keyboard users should access the in-page navigation before the main content. When a user tabs through a page that contains the in-page navigation component, they should find the in-page navigation before the main content. Since the in-page navigation appears after the main content in the reading order, this may seem like a tab-order error. However, tabbing through the entire page before getting to in-page navigation links is not logical, creates confusion, and diminishes the user experience.

  • Set focus state on section target for keyboard users. When keyboard users follow an in-page anchor link set the focus state to the link target when the user presses the Enter key. When mouse users follow an in-page anchor link the focus should remain on the selected link.

Using the in-page navigation component

Implementing the in-page navigation component requires a few additions and adjustments to your page’s markup.

  • A wrapper div with the class usa-in-page-nav-container must surround the main element of your page.
  • A new sibling aside with the class usa-in-page-nav must precede the main element.

    The following is an example of the minimum markup your page would need to implement the in-page navigation component:

    <div class="usa-in-page-nav-container">
      <aside class="usa-in-page-nav"></aside>
      <main id="main-content" class="main-content">
         [ Page content ]
  • Initialization properties. You can customize how the component builds during initialization by adding any of the following properties to the usa-in-page-nav element. These properties must be set before the component is initialized.
  • Custom main content region selector. The main content selector property (data-main-content-selector) allows you to define which element the component will look in to pull its list of headings. Set the property’s value to the class or id of your page’s main content region (for example, data-main-content-selector=".main-content" or data-main-content-selector="#main-content"). By default, the component will pull headings from the <main> element.
  • Custom heading selector. The heading selector property (data-heading-elements) allows you to list which heading levels you would like the component to pull into the component link list. By default, the component will include h2 and h3 headings.
  • Root margin. The root margin property (data-root-margin) is a string that allows you to define the observable area. This set of values grows or shrinks the observable area from each side of the root element’s bounding box before computing intersections. It can accept values similar to the CSS margin property, and can be percentages. By default, the in-page navigation component is set to 0px 0px 0px 0px.
  • Threshold. The threshold property (data-threshold) determines how much of the observable section must be present in the observed area before the nav’s item is set to current. The default is 1, which means 100% of the observables must be in the observed section. You can set data-threshold to any integer between 0 and 1.

In-page navigation initialization properties

Property Description Default


The list of header levels that should be included in the link list.

h2 h3


The element the component pulls headers from.



The heading level of the navigation title header.



The text of the navigation title header.

“On this page”


Number of pixels scroll should offset from the top of the parent element.



Observable margin around the observed root used for calculating the current active section. Use values similar to CSS margin.

0px 0px 0px 0px


Percentage of the scrolling section that must be in the observed area before the current section is triggered. Use a value between 0 and 1.



The minimum number of headings needed in the content region for the component to build on the page. If the content region does not meet this minimum heading count, the component will not initialize.


In-page navigation settings

Variable Description

Background color of the in-page navigation block. Default uses body background color set in $theme-body-background-color.


Padding of the in-page navigation block.


The border radius of the in-page navigation block.


Color of the bar representing the active state of a link in the in-page navigation. Default uses the default link settings calculated from your background color.


Width of the colored bar representing the active state of a link in the in-page navigation.


Font family of the in-page navigation.


The color of the link in the in-page navigation. Default uses the default link settings calculated from your background color.


Maximum width of the main element.


Margin to the left of in-page navigation.


Margin above in-page navigation.


Distance from top of page to top of navigation when the sticky position is engaged on scroll.

In-page navigation variants

This component has no variants.


Accessibility test status

The USWDS team did 14 tests based on WCAG 2.1 AA success criteria.

Overview of recent accessibility test results:
Total tests
Passed with exceptions
14 10 0 4 0

Overview of recent accessibility test results:

  • Passed: 10
  • Passed with exceptions: 0
  • Conditional: 4
  • Failed: 0

Learn more on the in-page navigation accessibility tests page.


  • Package usage: @forward "usa-in-page-navigation";

Latest updates

Meaningful code and guidance updates are listed in the following table:

Date USWDS version Affects Breaking Description
2025-03-07 3.12.0
  • JavaScript

Fixed a bug that prevented in-page navigation from scrolling to nested headings. The in-page navigation can now smooth scroll to headings within components like card and summary box. More information: uswds#5878

2025-03-07 3.12.0
  • JavaScript
  • Styles

Added the data-minimum-heading-count property. This property hides the component when the content region does not contain the designated minimum number of headings. By default, this property hides the in-page navigation component when there are fewer than two headings in the content region. Teams should customize the value of this property based on their content needs. More information: uswds#6205

2024-10-16 N/A
  • Guidance

Added WCAG compliance tag and accessibility test status section. More information: uswds-site#2863

2024-03-26 N/A
  • Guidance

Updated outdated references to data-heading-selector with data-heading-elements. More information: uswds-site#2560

2024-03-11 3.8.0
  • JavaScript
  • Styles

Added the optional data-heading-selector attribute. This attribute allows users to list the heading levels that should be included in the component link list. More information: uswds#5444

2023-08-23 3.6.0
  • JavaScript

Updated JavaScript to exclude headers that have a style of display:none or visibility:hidden from the component link list. More information: uswds#5393

2023-08-23 3.6.0
  • JavaScript

Added the option to designate a custom main content region with the data-main-content-selector attribute. More information: uswds#5387

2023-06-09 3.5.0
  • JavaScript

Fixed a bug that prevented links that start with a number from scrolling when clicked. More information: uswds#5200

2023-03-27 N/A
  • Guidance

Updated the documentation to clarify the component’s recommended display location. More information: uswds-site#2033

2023-03-13 3.4.1
  • JavaScript
  • Styles

URL in address bar is updated when navigating component. Users can now see the proper anchor link in the address bar when navigating from the in-page navigation. More information: uswds#5170

2022-11-14 3.3.0
  • Guidance
  • JavaScript
  • Markup
  • Styles

Component released. More information: uswds#4918